Rabu, September 3

Tagged dari neng meika..

Meikaaaa... makasih ya udah kirim kirim nih..

1) What is the most important thing in your life?
To be grateful for everything what im going through

2) What is the last thing that you bought with your own money?

3) Where do you wish to get married?
im already, and like im wishing for before.. in my beloved house

4) How old do you think you will be permanently owned by your love?
as long as possible.. (amiiin)

5) Are you in love?
most of the time (with him)

6) Where was the last restaurant you had dinner?
Congo, bandung with the whole family

7) Name the latest book that you bought?
Keajaiban solat duha, Buku Pintar Kehamilan dan Persalinan

8) What is your full name?
Arie Kristyaningsih

9) Do you prefer your mother or father?
Both of them

10) Name a person that you really wish to meet in real life for the first time?
My beloved husband

11) Christina or Britney?
Christina, much better

12) Do you do your own laundry?
Of course, with mas Rully every once in two days

13) The most exciting place you want to go?

14) Hugs or kisses?
Hugs =)

15) 8 things I am passionate about:
1. Be a great wife and hopefully mom
2. Makes my parents always happy
3. Umroh with mas
4. Another travelling time with my family
5. Visit my grandma at Jogja
6. Cooking our daily dinner
7. Sewing the dress of my own
8. Having a boutique

16) 8 things I say too often:
1. Pu... *manggil pua*
2. Ay.. *manggil ayah-mas Rully*
3. Daaaamm.. tolongin SRMnya dong *manggil adam*
4. Hoaaahhhmm.. *audzubillahiminasyaitoon..* kalo nguap
5. Mbak Eva.. *kalo manggil mbak bos*
6. Liiilll.. *kalo manggil ulil di sebelah*
7. Fan, mo beli makanan nggak? *kalo kelaperan di kantor*
8. Bu, jus nya jangan banyak2 dong.. udah enek nih.. *kalo males minum jus di rumah*

17) 8 books I've read recently:
1. Laskar Pelangi
2. Half full half empty
3. Zikir 99 Asmaul Husna
4. Buku Pintar Kehamilan dan Persalinan
5. Golden A to Z
6. Keajaiban solat Duha
7. Buku belajar jait
8. Makanan untuk Golongan darah O dan A

18) 8 songs I could listen to over and over again:
1. Walau Habis Terang - Peterpan
2. Hitamku - Andra and the backbone
3. Bye bye - Mariah Carey
4. Diggin' on you - TLC
5. La Bamba - OST August Rush
6. Wish you were here - Incubus
7. Your Love is King - Sade
8. Sedari dulu - Tompi

19) 8 things I learned last year:
1. Belajar ngeblog
2. Belajar ikhlas, di training di katahati institute
3. Belajar menata rumah sendiri
4. Belajar jadi ibu2 yang masak buat di rumah
5. Belajar buat ga percaya banget sama orang
6. Belajar mulai menata keuangan
7. Belajar kalo travelling sama keluarga itu amat sangat berharga dan ga bisa keulang.. *sekarang udah ga bisa sering2 kayak dulu waktu masih kecil.. hiks*
8. Mmm... apa yah?? ni masih di pelajarin sampe sekarang.. =p

20) Tag 8 people :

Bundanya iBad
Mama Talitha
Bunda Nayla
Mbak Ary mamanya Tole
Mbak Disa
Bunda Wafi
Mbak Rita
Mama Shasa


Mama Shahira dan Syafiq mengatakan...

Makasih ya tante paketnya.. segera di kerjakan deh.. tp t4 shasa lg lemot bgt nih...

ENDRIYANI mengatakan...

Wah dapet Tag ya...!!! Sorry nich taunya telat...Sama tempat Talitha juga lemot nich inetnya kaya yg punya shasa...Insya Alloh ntar dikerjain ya Tante...makasih!!!